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facial hair中文是什么意思

用"facial hair"造句"facial hair"怎么读"facial hair" in a sentence"facial hair"的同义词


  • 胡子
  • 面部毛发
  • "facial"中文翻译    adj. 面部的,颜面的。 n. 〔美俚〕面部按摩;美容 ...
  • "hair"中文翻译    n. 1.〔集合词〕毛发,头发,汗毛。 2.毛状物;毛状 ...
  • "facial hair remover" 中文翻译 :    面毛脱发剂
  • "facial hair syle" 中文翻译 :    胡子风格
  • "facial hair type" 中文翻译 :    胡子类型
  • "facial" 中文翻译 :    adj. 面部的,颜面的。 n. 〔美俚〕面部按摩;美容。 a facial layer 表面的一层。 facial expression 面部表情。
  • "by a hair" 中文翻译 :    差一点儿
  • "hair" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.〔集合词〕毛发,头发,汗毛。 2.毛状物;毛状金属丝;毛发织物;【植物;植物学】茸毛。 3.一丝丝,些微。 grey hairs 白发;老年。 A fine coat of hair (马等)一身好毛。 Against the hair 〔古语〕违背本意,不合本性。 A hair in one's neck 麻烦事。 A hair to make a tether of 〔苏格兰语〕 小题大做。 Be not worth a hair 一钱不值。 Both of a hair 同类,一丘之貉。 Bring sb.'s grey hairs (in sorrow) to the grave 使老人忧心至死。 Bush [head, shock] of hair 浓浓的头发。 By (the turn of) a hair 差一点儿,险些儿,几乎。 Comb [stroke] sb.'s hair for him 严责某人。 Do up one's hair 梳头。 Fell of hair 耷拉下来的头发,发绺。 Get [have, take] sb. By the short hairs 〔俚语〕任意摆布某人,完全操纵某人;抓住某人辫子。 Get in sb.'s hair 〔美俚〕触怒,使烦恼。 Hang by a (single) hair 千钧一发,岌岌可危。 Have grey hair 满头白发。 Have grey hairs 有些白头发。 Have one's hair cut 剪发,理发。 In one's hair 光着头。 In the hair 1. 毛向外的。 2. 兽皮有毛的。 Judas hair 红头发。 Keep your hair on 〔俚语〕保持镇静! 别发火! Let one's (back) hair down 1. 将头发散开。 2. 〔口语〕举止随便,不拘礼节。 3. 直言不讳。 Let your hair dry. 〔俚语〕别那么神气,别那么拿架子。 Lose one's hair 1. 头变秃。 2. 发怒。 Make sb.'s hair curl = make sb's hair stand on end 使人毛骨悚然。 Not touch a hair of sb.'s head 不动某人一根汗毛。 Not turn a hair = without turning a hair 不动声色,镇定自若。 Put [turn] up one's hair (少女成年后)梳拢头发。 Smooth [stroke] sb.'s hair the wrong way = stroke sb. Against the hair 使某人恼怒。 Split hairs (over sth.) 作无益的细微分析,无故挑剔。 Stroke sb. With the hair 〔苏格兰语〕 安抚。 Take a hair of the dog that bit you. 〔谚语〕以毒攻毒;用酒解酒。 Tear one's [the] hair 扯头发〔表示悲伤、焦急、忿怒〕。 To (the turn of) a hair 完全一样,丝毫不差。 Wear one's (own) hair 不戴假发。 adj. -ed 具有(某种)头发的 (fair-haired 金发的。 Short-haired 短发的)。 adj. -less 无毛的,无发的,秃顶的。 adj. -like 毛发似的,极细的。
  • "to a hair" 中文翻译 :    丝毫不差地
  • "canal for facial nerve,facial" 中文翻译 :    canal面神经管
  • "belle facial" 中文翻译 :    纳米珍珠粉外用装
  • "facial asm" 中文翻译 :    面痉挛
  • "facial abscess" 中文翻译 :    面部脓肿
  • "facial actinomycosis" 中文翻译 :    颜面部放线菌病; 阎面部放线菌病
  • "facial acupuncture" 中文翻译 :    面针
  • "facial anaesthesia" 中文翻译 :    面麻木,面部感觉缺失
  • "facial anchorage" 中文翻译 :    面锚基, 颜面安抗
  • "facial anesthesia" 中文翻译 :    面麻木; 面麻醉
  • "facial angiofibroma" 中文翻译 :    面部血管纤维瘤
  • "facial angle" 中文翻译 :    颜面角;(结晶的)面角。
  • "facial apraxia" 中文翻译 :    面肌失用
  • "facial area" 中文翻译 :    脸部; 迎面区; 正面区
  • "facial art" 中文翻译 :    颜面学
  • "facial artery" 中文翻译 :    脸动脉; 面动脉
  • "facial asymmetry" 中文翻译 :    面部两侧不对称


  • For that matter, the facial hairs he chops off were produced by other cells .
  • Lisa : no , he doesn ' t have any facial hair
  • The cream dissolves facial hair
  • Are you telling me you ' d give that up for a little facial hair
  • " if you want to impress a lady , growing facial hair is not the way to do it .
  • But why is it that , for a majority of men , all facial hair must be removed
  • His facial hair in the succeeding five years as he went from substitute teacher to science instructor at ephrata middle school
  • Shedding his facial hair and long locks , damon batted . 285 and posted a career high of 24 home runs , while also collecting 80 rbis
    改掉山顶洞人造型后,大门的打击率有. 285 ,全垒打创造生涯新高的24支,打点也有80分。
  • Sally hansen creme hair bleach quickly and easily lightens dark , unwanted facial hair so it blends beautifully into your natural skin tone with virtually invisible results
  • He sat quietly , listening to harris speak . . . suddenly he reached up , and gently rubbed the beginnings of his facial hair , revealing a small mysterious smile
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
用"facial hair"造句  


  • hair on the face (especially on the face of a man)


Facial hair is a secondary sex characteristic of human males. Men typically start developing facial hair in the later years of puberty or adolescence, between seventeen and twenty years of age, and most do not finish developing a fully adult beard until their early twenties or later.
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